God created a good world: the image is of a garden where all the necessities of life are available without labour: but we know labour is an essential part of life. So we need a different image.
And then we humans broke it by seeking to be like God, to know good and evil; which then brings us forever to struggle with the realities of life that are so complex no one in all of time has solved the riddle of life. But we know that it is a gift to know of good and evil, to struggle with the riddles and paradoxes of life and hope, despair and conscience, of delight and death. So we need a different image.
And then we humans received a story that Jesus came as God to be one of us both at the same time to take upon himself all the sins of the world, the results of knowing good and evil, paying the price of death for all these sins, and then conquering even death by rising to new life. It is a powerful life giving story that transforms history even before it is lived and known. But we know that the story has been twisted in so many ways until it is almost always perverted. So we need a different image.
Today, which image will be your model, your pathway through the maze of challenges and roadblocks.
Do you have a new image?
Do we …
Simply need a new and fresh re-look at the old images, a photo retouch back to the original, yet still with all the cracks so that the light not only gets in but also gets taken apart into the rainbow of life before our ears and fingers. Will our eyes hear the sunrise today, and set tonight.
Have we received the gift of forgiveness and new life, which is Christ’s gift to us.
How will you live this day?
Towards what texture will you focus your sense of smell today, to discover again, the wonder that God created the world with everything at hand that we need for life and gave us the gift of knowledge of God and Good and Evil?
Our sons will as always receive the gift of your words and courage, knowing that the future is secured with love; love more powerful than even death.
I will walk with a spring in my step, for the gift of voice that you have helped me regain. With eyes to the a future so uncertain it ought to drive me under; yet you give me your love more powerful than death; and how can I not see the sunrise and sunset as specular gifts from God?
And you, in all your comings and goings, your calls and planning; how will you touch the infinite this day, as you dance to the music of hope?
Today let God find you, with your fingers in the snow, your eyes beyond the horizon and your heart steadfast in labour that brings life to others:
Have a spectacular day.