The Fire Within, the Joy Throughout, Freedom in Forgiveness

See the light


The concept is that if one fully trusts God’s grace one does not sin frivolously,

nor purposefully nor purposelessly;

rather if one sees no way forward other than to sin, then trust that forgiveness is already promised, move forward, without regret but full of humility, and trust also in this moment that God will forgive.

For no matter how well one lives, because one sins constantly even if one is not so aware, no matter how well one tries (all humans are in bondage to sin) –
No matter what, even one’s daily breath is a gift of forgiveness, one always needs God’s forgiveness.

Recognize the Fire that is one’s own


No matter what, one needs forgiveness every moment ….

Therefore this one sin does not change how dependent one is on forgiveness. And if God’s forgiveness is real, then trust also that God forgives even when one sees no other good choice and must consciously choose to sin.

So in all things, choose life, and trust God’s love and Grace.

And be that for each other.

Joy Seasoned White

The Luther quote:

“If you are a preacher of mercy, do not preach an imaginary but the true mercy. If the mercy is true, you must therefore bear the true, not an imaginary sin. God does not save those who are only imaginary sinners. Be a sinner, and let your sins be strong (sin boldly), but let your trust in Christ be stronger, and rejoice in Christ who is the victor over sin, death, and the world. We will commit sins while we are here, for this life is not a place where justice resides. We, however, says Peter (2. Peter 3:13) are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth where justice will reign.”

Letter 99, Paragraph 13. Erika Bullmann Flores, Tr. from: Dr. Martin Luther’s Saemmtliche SchriftenDr. Johann Georg Walch Ed. (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, N.D.), Vol. 15, cols. 2585-2590. [12]

Light, Death, Love and Life

It is amazing to wake up and be loved and be able to love one who will receive love.
It is painful … to remember what has died, to relive the black hole of being not.
And to know all that will be mimicked, as if authentic.
And it will all be manipulated, and ….
What is this life for, without the light of Trust, Love, Hope?
Without Grace are we anything at all?

Here the light is simple.
Woods Light

And here the light is simple.
Natural Light

And here

But what happens without light?

Or what happens when the light is spectacular? Or specular?Spectacular

The Darkness makes the Light more obvious, more spectacular.

Only by Grace are we able to come out of the dark, breath and live in the light.
Chose Life.   Chose Love.

Be Grace!



At me, here among the many celebrating
Advent in the splendor of a perfect concert hall.
Songs and lessons and organ pieces that rock the hall decorations
of green wreaths, red ribbons and candles.
And me a guest of the sponsors.
With lights and acoustics that rival the best in the world.



At me after being abused: so thoroughly demeaned, criticized and exiled as if there were something wrong with me! As if I were worthless, as if I could be expelled with the sewer.


At those who worked with lies against me. What they said about and did to me says very little about me.
Though hardly perfect I am God’s child,
a saint by Grace alone,
fully worthy of unconditional love and joy.


At all these others, like me,
also controlled, cut off, accused of our partner’s wrongs,
made out to be a monster of evil proportions,
held in captivity, bound by our own principles never to harm those we love, trusting the same of our beloved until it is too late:
and harm is too obvious to us;
and wholly captive we still sought every way to please,
and more to offer health and life to the one we loved.
And we offered our very breath to transform our life to death,
and our beloved’s death to life …
And even then even more was taken from us …
Until. …

And perhaps,
for some of us,
now freed
we still must navigate the landmines,
the heart-mines,
that populate our paths.

So we celebrate Advent, waiting
for our Lord to come
and set us free.


What they said and did reflects who they are …
desperately needing the Light of the world to scour
their hearts and minds and souls clean …
the perfect forgiveness of Grace.

Would it be enough …
enough to cure their


And see the joy.


At the angels,
the Emmanuel,
the Faithful,
the sweet Silent Night,
the manger,
the baby boy,
the wonders of his love.

God be with you all
until we meet again

at Jesus feet.



It’s a walk in the park with the air quite fresh to see

The Red Blood Moon Eclipse,


The most powerful pull the moon will have on our emotions for quite sometime.

This should impact our living and bring us to new connections, perhaps.


There is that shadow … is that the connection?

I’m not sure how that all fits in with my experience:



There are some things that one tries hard not to stay connected with, and yet bring grace to bear upon; not forgotten, but transformed, forgiven, claiming redemption by God.

In and Out of the Fog

The fog sits nestling among the trees in clear view from my window.
There are among the disparate
circumstances of my life, great snippets of beauty.

to Work Alone

Among the people of each day, the exceptional Grace that some embody.

Houses Shine

Among the hours, minutes of sheer joy!

Light and Fog
Tower in Light and Fog


Among the sites, views to the infinite.